Slightly less active today, but still great to be out birding.Bay breasted warblers  lots of them    Orange crowned warbler    Blackburnian warblers    Tennessee warblers    Magnolia warblers    yellow rumped warbler    yep, only oneChestnut sided warblers    Cape May warblers  good number of them    Black throated blue warbler    Hooded warblers    Ovenbird    Blackpoll warbler    Black throated green warblers    Northern parulas    American redstarts    Nashville warbler    Common yellowthroat (heard)Red eyed vireosyellow throated vireo    blue headed vireo    Acadian flycatcher    great crested flycatcher    scarlet tanagers    Wood thrushes    Veery    Swainson's thrushes  lots of them        Barred owl    white throated sparrow    
Bob McNulty


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