Well, hats off to Bob McNulty and Peggy Wang. It's nice to hear of nice fall out of warblers at Blacklick Woods Metro Park. I was busy monitoring the Prothonotary Warbler along my nest boxes at the Hoover Nature Preserve. I'm happy to settle with the activity at the preserve. This morning I worked in Area N and Area L of the preserve. I located 11 male and 2 female Prothonotary Warblers in Area N and 4 males at Area L. I did have a nice surprise though. A Mourning Warbler lit down on a log a mere 10 feet from me and actively foraged for almost 5 minutes. Needless to say I hardly moved a muscle as I took in the show. One never knows what joys Mother Nature will provide.

Charlie Bombaci
Hoover Nature Preserve, Delaware County

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