ROUTES: Boss Unit, East & West Sides, and West Prairies in the morning;
Auto Tour Area in the afternoon.
OBS. BOSS UNIT: George Novosel.  OBS. EAST: Jim Koppin, Jim Reyda, Al &
Betty Schlecht.
OBS. WEST: Katie Clink, Donna Kuhn, David & Kim Myles, George Novosel,
Chris Pierce.
OBS. WEST PRAIRIES: Douglas W. Vogus.
OBS. AFTERNOON: Bob Bartolotta, Claire Johnson, Jim Koppin, Jim Reyda,
Douglas W. Vogus.
TIME: 7:10am - 7:25am (Boss Unit); 7:40am - 12:20pm; 1:05pm - 4:55pm
TEMP.: 61F ~ 81F ~ 79F
COND.: Sunny and warming throughout the day; southeast winds in the morning
changing to northeast by afternoon.

I. MAMMALS: 6 SPECIES.  (Recorded since 04/2002)

   1. Eastern Cottontail - 29
   2. Woodchuck - 6
   3. Eastern Fox Squirrel - 16
   4. Meadow Vole - 1  (Third June Record on Census)
   5. Common Muskrat - 8
   6. White-tailed Deer - 3

II. BIRDS: 86 SPECIES, 3,965 TOTAL BIRDS.  (Recorded since 03/02/1969)

   1. Canada Goose - 497
   2. Trumpeter Swan - 191  (20 cygnets in family groups of 4, 5, 5, & 6)
   3. Wood Duck - 200
   4. Blue-winged Teal - 2 (males)  (at Henry Marsh along Krause Rd.)
   5. Gadwall - 1 (male)  (in the Crane Creek backwaters east of Grimm
   6. Mallard - 44
   7. Green-winged Teal - 1 (male)  (at Henry Marsh along Krause Rd.)
   8. Canvasback - 1 (male)  (in the Crane Creek "estuary" - Second June
   Record on Census - first was 06/06/1982)
   9. Hooded Merganser - 2 (female)  (one in pond at brick house along
   Krause Rd. & one along old entrance causeway)
   10. Pied-billed Grebe - 13
   11. Mourning Dove - 30
   12. Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 3
   13. Sora - 2
   14. Common Gallinule - 20
   15. American Coot - 3  (adult bird with 2 chicks in Pool 9 along Veler
   16. Sandhill Crane - 1
   17. Killdeer - 55
   18. Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1  (on mudflats of Crane Creek backwaters
   east of Grimm Prairie)
   19. Spotted Sandpiper - 10
   20. Solitary Sandpiper - 1  (Fifth June Record on Census - at Henry
   Marsh along Krause Rd.)
   21. Ring-billed Gull - 8
   22. Herring Gull - 3
   23. Common Tern - 1
   24. Double-crested Cormorant - 87
   25. Great Blue Heron - 78
   26. Great Egret - 193
   27. Snowy Egret - 1
   28. Green Heron - 6
   29. Turkey Vulture - 6
   30. Bald Eagle - 15 (6 adult,9 immature)
   31. Red-tailed Hawk - 7
   32. Great Horned Owl - 1
   33. Red-headed Woodpecker - 3
   34. Red-bellied Woodpecker - 8
   35. Downy Woodpecker - 8
   36. Hairy Woodpecker - 1
   37. Northern Flicker - 15
   38. American Kestrel - 1
   39. Great Crested Flycatcher - 4
   40. Eastern Kingbird - 30
   41. Eastern Wood-Pewee - 13
   42. Alder Flycatcher - 1
   43. Willow Flycatcher - 34
   44. Eastern Phoebe - 2
   45. Warbling Vireo - 61
   46. Red-eyed Vireo - 6
   47. Blue Jay - 22
   48. Horned Lark - 3
   49. Bank Swallow - 2
   50. Tree Swallow - 375
   51. Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 2
   52. Purple Martin - 89
   53. Barn Swallow - 43
   54. Cliff Swallow - 32
   55. Black-capped Chickadee - 2
   56. White-breasted Nuthatch - 3
   57. House Wren - 34
   58. Sedge Wren - 2  (observed in Stange Prairie from the observation
   deck on Stange Rd.)
   59. Marsh Wren - 21
   60. Carolina Wren - 3
   61. Wood Thrush - 1
   62. American Robin - 36
   63. Gray Catbird - 24
   64. Brown Thrasher - 6
   65. European Starling - 98
   66. Cedar Waxwing - 1
   67. House Sparrow - 15
   68. American Goldfinch - 38
   69. Chipping Sparrow - 2
   70. Field Sparrow - 2
   71. Savannah Sparrow - 2  (both along Krause Rd.)
   72. Song Sparrow - 85
   73. Swamp Sparrow - 15
   74. Eastern Meadowlark - 1  (along Krause Rd.)
   75. Orchard Oriole - 4
   76. Baltimore Oriole - 18
   77. Red-winged Blackbird - 854
   78. Brown-headed Cowbird - 18
   79. Common Grackle - 77
   80. Prothonotary Warbler - 15  (New Census High - previous was 14 on
   81. Common Yellowthroat - 40
   82. American Redstart - 1
   83. Yellow Warbler - 246
   84. Wilson's Warbler - 1 (m)  (in hedgerow east of the South Woods)
   85. Northern Cardinal - 33
   86. Indigo Bunting - 27

Unidentified Swan - 1

III. REPTILES: 5 SPECIES.  (Recorded since 04/2002)

   1. Common Snapping Turtle - 5
   2. Map Turtle - 6
   3. Midland Painted Turtle - 16
   4. Northern Water Snake - 1
   5. Eastern Garter Snake - 1  (also two dead)

IV. AMPHIBIANS: 2 SPECIES.  (Recorded since 04/2002)

   1. Bullfrog - 8
   2. Green Frog - 6

V. FISHES: 1 SPECIES.  (Recorded since 04/2002)

   1. Common Carp - many

VI. BUTTERFLIES: 8 SPECIES.  (Recorded since 04/2002)

   1. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - 1
   2. Cabbage Butterfly - 12
   3. Clouded Sulphur - 4
   4. Spring Azure - 2  (Third June Record on Census)
   5. Red Admiral - 6  (Fifth June Record on Census)
   6. Monarch - 3
   7. Least Skipper - 3  (Fifth June Record on Census)
   8. Zabulon Skipper - 1  (Second Record on Census & First June Record on

VII. DRAGONFLIES & DAMSELFLIES: 13 SPECIES.  (Recorded since 05/2018)

   1. Common Green Darner  (Fifth June Record on Census)
   2. Calico Pennant  (Second Record on Census & Second June Record on
   3. Halloween Pennant  (First June Record on Census)
   4. Eastern Pondhawk  (Fifth June Record on Census)
   5. Widow Skimmer  (First June Record on Census)
   6. Painted Skimmer  (Third Record on Census & Third June Record on
   7. Blue Dasher  (Fourth June Record on Census)
   8. Eastern Amberwing  (First June Record on Census)
   9. Ruby Meadowhawk  (Fourth Record on Census & First June Record on
   10. Black Saddlebags  (Fifth June Record on Census)
   11. Familiar Bluet  (Second June Record on Census)
   12. Orange Bluet  (Fourth June Record on Census)
   13. Eastern Forktail  (Fifth June Record on Census)

Compiler:  Douglas W. Vogus - Akron, Ohio.


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