To my surprise, a pair of bluebirds attempted to nest in what I thought was a decorative birdhouse that the previous owner had left in the yard. Unfortunately, I only found out they were trying to nest when I found the birdhouse toppled off its platform this morning & lots of twigs and what looked like a rudimentary nest scattered on the ground. No eggshells or baby bird remains. 
I suspect a raccoon (or skunk?) climbed the 4x4 post that has a small platform on which the birdhouse sits. I've now covered the 4x4 with galvanized duct work which was recommended as an effective deterrent to climbing pests.
Should I place any of the old nest materials back into the house or let the bluebirds decide all that? I have no idea if they will try again but it was sad to watch both the male & female fly to the house several times this morning after I placed it back on the pole as well as going in & out of the birdhouse.
Anyone with suggestions, please reply off list.
Peggy WangGranville


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