I had to be in Zanesville at noon for an appointment so I birded Blackhand Gorge and Dillon Beach in the morning. It was quiet as expected. At Blackhand, I heard N Parula, Cerulean, Com YT and Kentucky but no Worm-eating even though I checked a couple spots that are generally reliable but I think it’s just a quiet time of year. Scarlet tanager was singing. Vireos: Red-eyed, Blue-headed. Acadian flycatchers & peewees. I did get a good look at a Cerulean from the fishing access road where I spooked a group of wood ducks. Wood Thrushes there also. I watched a Yellow Warbler & Com YT take a bath in the same puddle. I did not see any Trumpeter swans where I saw one last time I was there but it’s very limited sight lines.

At the beach at Dillon, I counted 24 Great Blue Herons & likely missed a few. One Great Egret, a couple DC Cormorants and 4 RB Gulls was about all I could spot. 

Peggy Wang
Sent from my iPad

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