I visited these 2 spots this afternoon (and actually stopped at the dam
last evening) looking for early migrants, with little success,    The dam &
west spillway are open now at Hoover, so you can walk across the top & down
into the meadow & riparian strip on the west side.   Notables included:

Gulls & Tern - the big flock is early in the morning or late in the
evening;  last night I had 180+ Ring-billed and a few Herring, plus 1
Caspian Tern

Red-headed Woodpeckers - 2 were at Inniswood, and another was at the
Barred OWls - 2 were calling back & forth in the woods at Inniswood after 5
Flycatchers - the spillway had E.Kingbird, Great Crested & Phoebe, while
Inniswood had 5 Peewees.  This may be the migration peak for some of these
Swallows - nothing but Barns here, but the spillway had 12-15
Gnatcatchers - probably past their migration peak, but still had 2 at the
spillway, & 1 at Inniswood
Thrushes - nothing yet other than Robins
Warblers - hardly any, with none at the spillway, and Blackburnian &
Blackpoll at Inniswood
Sparrows - nothing but the expected Songs;   couldn't even find Chippings
Blackbirds - had a handful of Grackles at each spot;   the only Redwings
were 3 at the dam last night


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