With the reports from Bruce and others about Warbler migrants, I popped in
Lawrence Woods last night to see what was around.
Normal residents were there in abundance with Red-headed Woodpeckers all
around the pond.  Field and Song Sparrows were silent, and Goldfinches
seemed to be everywhere in the fields.

BUT there was at least one migrant there...a male Canada Warbler was
feeding around the outside edge of the pond.

Also of note, was a Red-tailed hawk that had apparently been hit by a car
near the edge of the property along the main road.  It had a USGS band on
it. I took down the number and reported it.  It was banded as a hatchling
in 2005...near Rochester New York!  How it found it's way all the way over
here in Central Ohio...will remain a mystery I guess. :-). I moved the bird
off of the side of the road to prevent scavengers from being hit as
well...it had been dead for a few days, but if anyone wants to collect the
band, let me know, and I will tell you where it is. ;-)

Happy birding and God bless,

Steve J.


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