Dillon Lake has been attracting rarities of late -  Snowy Egret, Piping Plover, Raven - so I journeyed east of Columbus to check out several areas around it.   I stopped at the Dillon Lake Beach, Dam, Dillon Falls, and the Pleasant Valley Rd area of the Wildlife Area.   While I didn't get any of these rarities, the place was pretty bridy for early August.  Notables included:

Waterfowl - lots of geese & mallards, but little else
Herons - large numbers of Great Blues around the reservoir, but also had some Great Egrets (several spots) and Green Herons (below Dam)
Shorebirds - Killdeer in many spots, but also had Lesser Yellowlegs (beach), Solitary Sandpiper (Falls), and Spotted (Beach, Falls).
Raptors - a pair of Bald Eagles was on a snag off the beach, while TVs were at every stop.   The only Black Vulture was at the Dam.
Cuckoos - Yellow-bills were calling at every spot
Flycatchers - Pewees & Acadians were still calling in several areas, but the prize was a foraging Olive-sided on wires & snags below the Dam
Vireos - nothing but Red-eyed, but they were at every stop.
Swallows - Barns & Rough-wings were at all stops (30 of the latter were at the Falls), while the big Cliff Swallow colony at the Falls had lots of juveniles hanging around
Thrushes - a Wood Thrush was still singing at the Dam
Warblers - very thin, but did have Yellow (Falls), Common Yellowthroat (Dam), and Prothonotary (Pleasant Valley)
Scarlet Tanagers - had singing birds at the Beach and at Pleasant Valley & nearby Vickers Hill Rd

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