This morning October 24th, my wife Denise and I, once again, visited for the fifth time, the Henry Miller Farm in Wayne County, to check on what’s happening with the remaining fast growing eight ducklings and their single parent. As a recap, the BBWD Saga began on September 8th, when neighbor Harry Swartzentruber first identified their presence. So, 47 days down, and about 14 days to go, November 7th prediction, until the kids can hopefully fly. It will be interesting to see what transpires in the next two weeks or so. With predation and much colder weather coming, it will be interesting to see if the remaining family clan can make it! The kids appear to be almost as big as their parent, still always hanging close together with each other. Their wings appear to be kind of in the pin feather stage. The big treat of the day, was actually hearing some of the kids giving their first low nasal whistle calls. On a personal note: I find it a bit disappointing, that this being the first record in Ohio of a nesting Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, that more birders seemingly are not paying attention to the progress of the new family, especially with the easy access that The Miller Family has provided!!!

Bob Lane / Mahoning County


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