Good morning,


Does anyone have good reference info or a person I can speak with about bobolink habitat requirements?  I am looking to restore an area where they have previously tried to nest and I want to make sure we do things the right way.










7600 Sunbury Road

Westerville, OH 43081

Direct: 614.645.3304

Fax: 614.645.1871



From: Ohio birds [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Robert Thorn
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 8:00 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Ohio-birds] HooverReservoir,10-24: Loon,Gulls,bluebirds,blackbirds


Sorry for the late post, but it was bounced back to me several times for an address error.


The Columbus Audubon trip to Hoover Reservoir on Sunday found lots of temperate migrants and a surprisingly low reservoir ripe for gulls & late shorebirds.  We stopped by the dam, Maxtown boat launch, Oxbow Island, and the old road & mudflats of Area N in Galena, and had a steady movement of some diurnal migrants, as well as good #s of gulls & cormorants.   Notables for the morning included


Waterfowl - had the expected geese & mallards, but 2 Ruddy Ducks off the dam were a treat

Other Waterbirds - the only Loon was a Common off Maxtown launch, while Pied-billed Grebes were there and at Galena.   Cormorants were everywhere, with 120+ off Galena the high.


Virginia Rail - heard one in the small marsh on Oxbow Island, but couldn't get a glimpse of it

Coots - a few at the dam and off Oxbow Island

Shorebirds - Killdeer at many spots, but the mudflats had Galena had the most (20), and also had 2-3 Dunlin.   The flats here look very promising, but we didn't see much else.

Gulls - few at the dam, but lots in the northern part of the reservoir, with large flocks on the mudflats by the Eastside Yacht Club, too far for us to ID.


BaldEagles - had 2 flying over the dam early, headed N.   They may be roosting in the creekside forest below the dam.

Osprey - had 1 fishing around the dam

Accipiters - a Coopers was at Maxtown, while a Sharpie was soaring over Oxbow Island

Vultures - TVs in many spots, but also had a Black Vulture perched in a snag on Oxbow Island


Flycatcher - only had 1, an E.Phoebe around parking lot near Oxbow Island

Red-br.Nuthatch - 1 was heard, then seen at the picnic area at Maxtown boat launch

Blue-headed Vireo - 1 was singing around the picnic area at Maxtown Boat launch

Kinglets - scarce; had single Ruby-crowns at Maxtown & Oxbow, and had 3-4 Golden-crowned in the swamp forest at Galena's Area N.

E,Bluebirds - small migrating flocks were at the dam, Maxtown, and Oxbow

Warblers - Yellow-rumps in numbers in many paces; also found a Palm Warbler along the old road at Area N

Sparrows - no big numbers anywhere, but did tally Chipping, Song, Swamp, White-crowned, and White-throated

Blackbirds - small flocks of migrating Redwings moving south past the dam and Maxtown early, but tapered off later in morning.  Grackles at several spots, and Cowbird at Oxbow, but no Rusties.



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