

These results shocked doctors all over the world:

A famous doctor from the UK showed that eating these 3 common vegetables at breakfast increases the risk of crazy blood sugar spikes by 87%

According to the prestigious doctor, THIS vegetable contains a toxic substance that causes your fat cells to explode, causing crazy blood sugar spikes and worsening diabetes symptoms 5x or more…

Discover the vegetable that worsens your diabetes (watch the video)


Silkworms, the caterpillars of the domestic silkmoth, are kept to produce silk, an elastic fiber made when they are in the process of creating a cocoon. Silk is commonly regarded as a major cash crop and is used in the crafting of many textiles. Mealworms The mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) is the larvae form of a species of darkling beetles (Coleoptera). The optimum incubation temperature is 25 ?C - 27 ?C and its embryonic development lasts 4 – 6 days. It has a long larvae period of about half a year with the optimum temperature and low moisture terminates.[citation needed] The protein content of Tenebrio molitor larvae, adult, exuvium and excreta are 46.44, 63.34, 32.87, and 18.51% respectively. Buffaloworms Buffaloworms, also called lesser mealworms, is the common name of Alphitobius diaperinus. Its larvae superficially resemble small wireworms or true mealworms (Tenebrio spp.). They are approximately 7 to 11 mm in length at last ins tar. Freshly emerged larvae are a milky color. The pale color tinge returns to that of the first/second instar larva when preparing to molt, while a yellowish-brown appearance after molting.[citation needed] In addition, it was reported that it has the highest level of iron bioavailability. Honeybees Commodities harvested from honeybees include beeswax, bee bread, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, brood, and honey. All of the aforementioned are mostly used in food, however, being wax, beeswax has many other uses, such as being used in candles, and propolis may be used as a wood finish. However, the presence of honeybees can negatively affect abundance and diversity of wild bees, with consequences for pollination of crop