Stopped at several spots around Dawes Arboretum, and nearby Taft Reserve.
For a cloudy, warm July day, bird activity was good.   The Dutch Fork
Wetlands, part of Dawes Arboretum (but free to the public) was especially
productive, with loads of expected marsh & field species.   Highlights
there included 4 Green Herons, a Woodcock in the back swamp woods, 2
Yellow-billed Cuckoos calling, and 3 singing Swamp Sparrows.    The main
Arboretum was slower except for the Woodland area, which had scads of
singing Wood Thrushes, Acadian Flycatchers, and Red-eyed Vireos.   Best
there were singing Summer Tanager and Scarlet Tanager.    Taft Reserve
South was a bit anticlimactic, having neither woods nor wetlands, but still
chipped in lots of successional field birds, including 2 singing White-eyed
Vireos, plus many Catbirds & towhees.


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