More activity this morning altho not jam-packed with birds by any means. I found a few mixed flocks & it was nice to see more than one bird per species a few times. Near the end of my morning, I saw 4 Magnolias & 4 Bay-breasted feeding near one another. Lots of acrobatic insect-chasing & bill-snapping. Always amazing to me how loud the bill snaps can be from such small birds. Warblers often chasing each other thru the trees.

Delightfully cool morning. At least some of the warblers were a bit lower than recently & I got nice looks at some in the morning sun.
WarblersMagnoliaBlackburnianBay-breastedTennesseeHooded--1st year female, another plumage I'm not sure I've seen before
Am RedstartN Parula
Com YT
Ruby-crowned KingletEmpids spLeast FCPeeweeAcadianBrown ThrasherYB CuckooIndigo Bunting
Red-shouldered HawkWood Duck
Peggy WangGranville


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