Denison was v quiet early in the morning. I finally found one Magnolia feeding near 2 Yellow-rumped Warblers. A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was nice to see & I had a few Ruby-crowned Kinglets plus one Black Vulture. I thought about heading to Woodside Green (where I saw that Bob McNulty did pretty well today) but instead I headed to Battelle Darby to try for the Nelson's Sparrow & Stilt SPs.
I saw some nice birds at Battelle Darby even if I dipped on the Nelson's, missing a v brief glimpse of the bird as it flew out of some reeds & immediately back in--only glimpsed by a couple birders. I hung around for 1.5+ hrs in the windy cold but did not see it; however, I ended up with a nice list of birds including 3 Stilt SPs (FOS), FOS Lincoln's Sparrow & a flyover Peregrine Falcon which was great to see even if it scattered the shorebirds. Two quite rusty Rusty Blackbirds on a nearby mudflat was a treat--could see the bright yellow eye. Rusties are a bit of an OH nemesis bird for me so it was a treat to see these 2 birds well.
Before leaving I briefly checked the weedy fields off Kuhlwein Rd where I had great looks at a Nelson's Sp a few years back but no sparrows at all were there today.

Battelle Darby Teal TrailStilt SP FOS
Pectoral SPBoth YellowlegsLeast SPSemi-palmated SPKilldeer
Wilson's SnipeVirginia RailSoraSwamp SparrowSong SparrowLincoln's Sparrow FOSRusty Blackbird
Great Egret
Peregrine FalconAm Kestrel
Peggy WangGranville


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