Dear Ohio Birders,

As many of you know, many birds are killed in NA and worldwide at glass windows.  My students and I have been conducting a study on UC's two campuses for years.  UC continues to build more and more glass buildings.  The newest addition, Clifton Court Hall, has already knocked out about 40 birds this fall.  We are losing many, many Ovenbirds, etc.  The reason I write, is to let everyone know that I can use help in many ways, funding, walking routes, logistics, lobbying, etc.  I have found in extremely difficult to get UC to do anything.

While I won't have time this month to reply to personal emails, I surely will in November, so please feel free to email me, off list, if interested in helping on this research.

Second, I will be teaching our Communiversity bird class during four Saturdays in December.  Birders of all experience levels are welcome; it's cheap, fun, and offered at our UC Center for Field Studies in Harrison, OH.  Below is the link (although the part about me is very outdated).  Spread the word!

Ronald A. Canterbury
Associate Academic Director
University of Cincinnati
Department of Biological Sciences
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0006
Voice: 513.556.9570
Mobile: 513.237.7791
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Ron Canterbury
Editor, The Ohio Cardinal


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