I made several stops around Pickerington Ponds this afternoon, when the rain was more intermittent.   Many of the winter birds have started to settle in, and feeders are stocked at Burning Lake, Ellis Pond, Wood Duck Picnic area, and Glacier Knoll.  Notables included:

Sandhill cranes - a flock of 6 flew in to Mallard marsh at the Wood Duck Picnic Area, and up to 9 have been reported recently
Dabblers - had plenty of Mallards, Gadwall, Shovelers, plus a few Green-winged Teal
Divers - none, though the ponds are really shallow right now, despite today's rain
Shorebirds - a flock of 7 Dunlin were at Mallard Marsh, along with 2 Greater yellowlegs
Raptors - Red-tails were at multiple spots, sitting out the showers, but a N.Harrier was flying around Mallard Marsh
Flickers - good numbers in multiple locations
Robins - sizeable flocks at many locations, mostly feeding on honeysuckle berries
White-cr.Sparrows - small numbers were around the feeders at Ellis Pond & Glacier Knoll
Swamp Sparrows - calling birds were at Ellis Pond and Wood Duck Picnic area
Blackbirds - small groups of Redwinged Blackbirds were at multiple spots, but also had a flock of 10 Rusty Blackbirds fly over Wood Duck Picnic area.

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