I birded several areas along Deer Creek, from Mt Sterling south to the State Park, both to check what was around and to search for the Little Gull reported in the reservoir for a few days.   No luck on the Little Gull, even with many of us searching, but it is a large reservoir so it still may be around.   Water level is fairly low, so shorebirds & a few waterfowl were around, including:

Gadwalls - off South Picnic area
Ring-necked Ducks - 3 just above the Dam
HoodedMergansers - 7-8 along the Pancoastburg Rd
Pied-billed Grebes - singles at 3 different locations
Cormorants - still small groups at several locations
Killdeer - widespread along shore, with 10 at Pancoastburg Rd the top number
Dunlin - small flocks at the Beach and Pancoastburg Rd
Yellowlegs - Greaters at Beach & Pancoastburg Rd; Lesser only at the latter
CommonLoons - 1-2 off the beach and the Harding Cabin area
Bonaparte'sGulls - small groups everywhere
Ring-billed Gulls - modest flocks at the Beach and Pancoastburg Rd

Landbirds were unexceptional except for the resident flock of Black Vultures around the State Park Resort, and a Cooper's Hawk chasing a Sharp Shin below the Dam.   Flicker numbers were strong, with 2-4 at nearly every stop, and a Pileated was foraging in the riparian woods below the Dam.  1 American Pipit was heard flying over the Beach.

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