ROUTES: East Side, Fox Unit, West Side, and Western Prairies in the morning; Wildlife Drive in the afternoon.
OBS. EAST: Jim Koppin, Jim Reyda, Al & Betty Schlecht.  OBS. FOX UNIT: Jim Koppin, Jim Reyda, Al & Betty Schlecht.
OBS. WEST: Katie Clink, Jennifer Kuehn, Donna Kuhn, David & Kim Myles, Chris Pierce, Tony Szilagye.
OBS. WEST PRAIRIES: Douglas W. Vogus.  OBS. WILDLIFE DRIVE: Bob Bartolotta, Claire Johnson, Jim Koppin,
Jim Reyda, Douglas W. Vogus.
TIME: 7:45am - 12:35pm; 1:55pm - 5:30pm  TEMP.: 41F ~ 56F ~ 49F
COND.: Brisk and clear in the early part of the morning; large wall of fog rolling in off of Lake Erie at around 10:00am;
north winds pushed it south across the refuge, enveloping the entire area; low ceiling and very poor visibility. Fog
started to move out at about 12:25pm with some clearing before lunch; partly cloudy in the afternoon, but turning
foggy again from 4:45pm until end of census; visibility in the late afternoon along Lake Erie at less than 100 yards.

I. MAMMALS: 5 SPECIES, 35 TOTAL MAMMALS.  (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
  1. Woodchuck - 6  (Third November Record on Census)
  2. Eastern Fox Squirrel - 15
  3. Common Muskrat - 1
  4. Common Raccoon - 1  (Fifth November Record on Census)
  5. White-tailed Deer - 12 (2 bucks,6 does,4?)

II. BIRDS: 92 SPECIES, 10,154 TOTAL BIRDS.  (Recorded since 03/02/1969)
  1. Snow Goose - 3 (2 blue morph,1 immature)
  2. Canada Goose - 782
  3. Mute Swan - 9
  4. Trumpeter Swan - 362  (one with yellow neckband "1A2" - recorded since September of 2007)
  5. Tundra Swan - 2,247
  6. Wood Duck - 61
  7. Blue-winged Teal - 12
  8. Northern Shoveler - 45
  9. Gadwall - 1,106
  10. American Wigeon - 55
  11. American Black Duck - 47
  12. Mallard - 1,187
  13. Northern Pintail - 34
  14. Green-winged Teal - 108
  15. Canvasback - 4
  16. Ring-necked Duck - 22
  17. Greater Scaup - 1
  18. Lesser Scaup - 14
  19. Bufflehead - 16
  20. Common Goldeneye - 25
  21. Hooded Merganser - 21
  22. Ruddy Duck - 9
  23. Pied-billed Grebe - 10
  24. Mourning Dove - 10
  25. American Coot - 87
  26. Sandhill Crane - 43
  27. Killdeer - 16
  28. Semipalmated Plover - 1
  29. Dunlin - 553
  30. Long-billed Dowitcher - 14
  31. Wilson's Snipe - 1
  32. Greater Yellowlegs - 11
  33. Lesser Yellowlegs - 16
  34. Bonaparte's Gull - 112
  35. Ring-billed Gull - 113
  36. Herring Gull - 4
  37. Double-crested Cormorant - 4
  38. American White Pelican - 225
  39. Great Blue Heron - 82
  40. Great Egret - 64
  41. Cattle Egret - 1
  42. Northern Harrier - 5
  43. Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1
  44. Cooper's Hawk - 4
  45. Bald Eagle - 11 (9 adult,2 immature)
  46. Red-tailed Hawk - 8
  47. Belted Kingfisher - 1
  48. Red-headed Woodpecker - 4
  49. Red-bellied Woodpecker - 13
  50. Downy Woodpecker - 14
  51. Hairy Woodpecker - 3
  52. Northern Flicker - 19
  53. American Kestrel - 1
  54. Merlin - 1  (Fifth November Record on Census)
  55. Peregrine Falcon - 1  (immature female)
  56. Northern Shrike - 2  (one immature fighting with an adult bird)
  57. Blue Jay - 57
  58. Black-capped Chickadee - 4
  59. Horned Lark - 12
  60. Tree Swallow - 7
  61. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2
  62. Golden-crowned Kinglet - 4
  63. Cedar Waxwing - 12
  64. White-breasted Nuthatch - 9
  65. Brown Creeper - 1
  66. Carolina Wren - 2
  67. Marsh Wren - 1  (Fourth November Record on Census)
  68. Gray Catbird - 1  (Third November Record on Census)
  69. Northern Mockingbird - 1
  70. European Starling - 379
  71. Eastern Bluebird - 2
  72. American Robin - 53
  73. House Sparrow - 18
  74. House Finch - 10
  75. American Goldfinch - 78
  76. Lapland Longspur - 12  (Fourth November Record on Census)
  77. Chipping Sparrow - 3
  78. Field Sparrow - 1
  79. Fox Sparrow - 9
  80. American Tree Sparrow - 22
  81. Dark-eyed Junco - 81
  82. White-crowned Sparrow - 5
  83. White-throated Sparrow - 33
  84. Savannah Sparrow - 1
  85. Song Sparrow - 40
  86. Swamp Sparrow - 8
  87. Red-winged Blackbird - 806
  88. Brown-headed Cowbird - 97
  89. Rusty Blackbird - 627
  90. Common Grackle - 23
  91. Yellow-rumped Warbler - 5
  92. Northern Cardinal - 31
??. Unidentified Scaup Species - 12
??. Unidentified Duck Species - 50
??. Unidentified Shorebird Species (dowitcher species/snipe) - 7

III. AMPHIBIANS: 1 SPECIES, 3 TOTAL AMPHIBIANS.  (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
  1. Bullfrog - 3  (Third November Record on Census)

  1. Crayfish - 1  (First Record on Census)

V. MOTHS: 1 SPECIES NEW TO CENSUS, 1 TOTAL.  (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
  1. Isabella Tiger Moth - 1 (caterpillar)  (New Species on Census - currently at 16 Moth/Caterpillar Species since 04/2002)

Compiler: Douglas W. Vogus - Akron, Ohio.

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