Normal late migrants were the order of the morning on the Columbus Audubon field trip to the Scioto River corridor this morning.  We stopped at Scioto Audubon Metropark and Quarry Trails MetroPark, and I also hit Griggs Dam & the Campbell Quarry.  The gorgeous weather made for a pleasant morning, but seemed to depress migrant numbers.   Still, there were lots of neat birds found.  The list included:

Swan - a lone Trumpeter Swan was in the quarry lake at the north entrance to Quarry Trails
Waterfowl - a small flock of Hooded Mergansers were in the bay at Scioto Audubon, and more were at Quarry Trails and Campbell Quarry lake.   The North entrance lake at Quarry Trails had a small flock of Ring-necked Ducks as well.
Egrets - 4 Great Egrets were still hanging around the bay at Scioto Audubon
Cormorants - 5 were around the Greenlawn Dam at Scioto Audubon, while another was in the Campbell Quarry lake
Gulls - sizeable flocks of Ring-bills were at Scioto Audubon, Griggs Dam, and Campbell Quarry.  Single Herrings were at Scioto Audubon and Griggs Dam, while a modest flock of Bonaparte's Gulls were at Campbell Quarry lake.
Raptors - Red-tailed hawks common around Quarry Trails, where we also had a Cooper's hawk harassing a Red-tail.
Sapsucker - one was in the riparian forest along the Scioto near the Grange Audubon Center at Scioto Audubon
BrownCreepers - good movement at Scioto Audubon, where we found 7-8 in an hour along the riverside trail
Winter Wren - 1 was lurking along the lakeside trail at the south entrance in Quarry Trails
Kinglets - only a few Golden-crowns at Scioto Audubon
Bluebirds - small numbers at Quarry Trails, at both south and north accesses
Warblers - only Yellow-rumps, and no great numbers; Scioto Audubon led with around 6
Sparrows - lots of the expected Songs and White-throateds.  We also had fleeting glimpses of White-crowned and Swamp in the open scrubland of the north access at Quarry Trails
Blackbirds - none, surprisingly
Finches - nothing other than the expected Goldfinches (scarce) and House Finches (common)

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