I went looking for the Golden Eagle that has been reported from this area off & on but I did not see it today. I hung around for awhile, pulling off where it was safe to do so to scan but no luck. I did receive the ebird alert that a Cackling Goose had just been seen in the area & I was able to locate it, watching it walk on an icy pond then breaking thru.
While driving up & down Wally Rd, I spotted an imm Bald Eagle on an old carcass in a field. It tried to carry part of the carcass off but gave up & flew off. Later, while scanning for the Golden again, I watched some crows mob an adult Bald Eagle & an adult Red-tailed at the same time. A few kestrels were on the wires along the drive. Also saw one Black Vulture & a couple TVs. Not much else except the expected winter birds flitting about and/or calling.

After giving up on the Golden, I drove over to the Gorge Overlook area at Mohican SP where the Evening Grosbeaks were seen regularly a couple years back. No grosbeaks but I was happy to see a pair of Purple Finches, a bird I've missed so far this year. They were coming into a feeder in the yard where the Ev Grosbeaks had been seen. Had a close flyby of a Pileated WP also.
Peggy WangGranville


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