Yesterday, we upgraded ANU-NEWS from V6.1B7 to V6.1B8 on OCEAN.  We hope
that this new version will solve the "Display - Cannot access item text"
In addition, there was another problem that looked similar, where messages
were skipped.  For example, if you tried to read message #59 in mu.unix it
would display message #60.  While this sometimes happened for the same
reasons as the "Cannot access item text" problem, it also happened for no
reason at all.  This was evidenced by the fact that these messages could be
read from MIAVX1.  I believe that this problem is now fixed.  To test this,
you should now be able to read message #59 in mu.unix.  This message was
unreadable on OCEAN before yesterday, but was readable on MIAVX1.
Unfortunately, we were not given as much time to test out this version of
NEWS as we would have liked.  We urge users to report any problems they may
encounter in this version of NEWS.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)