In article <1994Apr13.235543.24354@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(P7A77 (aka Steamed Rhubarb Fondue)) writes:
> Okey... what's up with this?  There have been no new newsgroup messages for
> least half the day, and I haven't received new mail for just as long (and I'm
> subscribed to a few mailing lists, and I usually get a few non-Miami mails a
> day anyway)...
There was definitely a problem with NEWS.  The system stopped processing
NEWS at around 5:00PM last night.  It's now working, though.
There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with MAIL.  I received 41 mail
messages overnight, which is more than I usually do.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)