In article <1994Apr20.214354.24626@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
> Out of curiosity, what is the best time to read news?  At night, it seems
> like there's nothing new, but during the day it seems to get a lot.  Is
> the NEWSMGR mostly running during the daytime adding posts?
Usually, NEWS flows into the system all day long.  The last couple of days,
though, it appears that NEWS from Ohio State has been trickling in during
the day and then flooding in at night.  I should probably give them a call
to find out what's going on.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)