I have noted with interest that Dan's request for information on ADR courses
has not received any replies.  Here at Georgia, we are at work on a new course
entitled "Conflict Resolution and Negotiation."  This proposed course is not
an ADR course; therefore, I cannot respond directly to Dan's inquiry.  I view
our proposal as broader in scope than ADR, although there obviously would be
some overlap.
     Dan's question gives me the opportunity to follow up on a request I have
received from Rick Coffinberger concerning a possible panel presentation during
the Dallas meeting.  Rick has asked me to find out whether there is sufficient
interest to have a panel focused on the teaching of ADR/conflict resolution/
negotiation topics.  I would welcome your thoughts.  If there is some interest
for such a panel, my next question is would anyone be interested in being a
panel member and sharing their experiences with such topics?
     I look forward to hearing from you.  Thanks!
Peter ([log in to unmask])
303 Brooks Hall
Terry College of Business
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602
706/542-3804 FAX--706/542-4295