In article <1994May2.164556.25180@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Deus Ex Machina) asked (in part):
> Also, another Web question: is it possible for VAX/OCEAN users to create home
> pages for Web?  I realize the server is on Ocean, but can a
> private individual set up their own pages?  It's easy-peasy on UNIX based
> systems, but since we're bass-ackwards as far as providing a central UNIX
> for Miami, I'm interested in the possibilties of OCEAN as a server for
> pages.
It is unlikely the DEC Alpha OpenVMS system will host individual home pages
in the near future.  This summer Miami Root, Miami University's Campus
Information, will be significantly enhanced in its gopher implementation
( and will come up in a test Web implementation
(, on the Alpha and other platforms.  Watch mu.root for details
as summer progresses!
                          John B Harlan
         Campus Wide Information System (CWIS) Coordinator
                    Miami University (Ohio USA)
                    [log in to unmask]