In article <1994May19.112950.1@miavx2>, [log in to unmask] (Lord
High Fixer) writes:
> Here's something odd I've been noticing lately.
> When I startup NEWS via an NNTP feed, I'm getting really
> strange numbers for the number of messages in a newsgroup.
> For example, comp.os.vms reportedly had 2343 messages in
> it, when in reality it has around 255.  Other groups are
> the same showed 10000+ messages
> and junk showed 300,000+ messages.
> If I go into the group, the number of messages gets
> changed to reflect the correct amount.
> I'm assuming this has something to do with connecting
> via NNTP, and it does seem like incorrect behavior.
> Just letting you all know!
It appears that NNTP takes the last message number and subtracts the first
message number and uses that for the number of messages.  The problem with
this algorithm is that there are usually lots of expired messages between
the first and last message.  For example, the numbering in the JUNK
newsgroup begins something like this...
Notice the missing numbers.  This is caused by the fact that some messages
have expire headers attached to them that causes them to be retained longer
than the rest of the messages.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)