In article <1994Jun2.162919.25988@miavx1>, I wrote (in part):
>      I *think* we're more or less caught up with requests to carry
> new USENET NetNews newsgroups.
>[stuff deleted]
>      The following recently requested newsgroups are now available on
> all OpenVMS systems (MiaVX3 in Middletown, MiaVX2 in Hamilton, and
> MiaVX1 in Oxford) and will be available shortly on the VM/CMS system
> (MiamiU):
>[more stuff deleted]
     In addition to those recently requested newsgroups, the following
newsgroups requested during Spring Semester are likewise available or
will be shortly:


A bit.listserv.* hierarchy list for the Dead Runners Society LISTSERV
list (DRS on [log in to unmask]) was requested this
spring, but such a gateway apparently still does not exist.  (Sorry.)
                          John B Harlan
         Campus Wide Information System (CWIS) Coordinator
                    Miami University (Ohio USA)
                    [log in to unmask]