The idea of sharing emerging syllabi of 112 in this non(romantic) s(pace)
appeals to me.  John and I are presently trying to brainstorm some focus
for each experimental unit (class activities, departure points, etc) for
a handout for next comp. meeting (Nv. 30).  Not for prescribing our model,
but for getting down on paper some ideas so we can all start building
our syllabi.
As for cyberspace being non-political, I can't see it.  Not only, as
you pointed out, is language a political struggle, but technology sure
is too.  Who is and is not wired in is certainly political.  Feeling
or not feeling comfortable with posting in this space is surely political,
having to do with the uneven distribution of power, privilege. . .
When will you be presenting at NCTE?  I'm doing a workshop on Sunday after
noon and might be able to catch your narratives live?  See ya, Cindy