I originally sent the following message directly to Dan thinking that the rest
of you would not be interested in the information.  In light of the recent
messages, I am forwarding this to ALSBTALK.         Peter
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Date:         Sun, 02 Oct 94 22:29:08 EDT
From:         Peter Shedd <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Departmental alignment
To:           "Daniel J. Herron" <[log in to unmask]>
Message-Id:   <[log in to unmask]>
Dan --
      This is in response to ALSBTALK message about the proper location for our
discipline.  We here at Georgia have had the good fortune to be able to keep
some identity by joining       other relatively small disciplinary groups to
form a reasonable size department.  At this time, there are six Legal Studies
faculty members here.  We are part of a department known as Insurance, Legal
Studies, Real Estate & Management Science.  There are 5 Insurance faculty, 4
Real Estate faculty, and 3 Management Science faculty.  The   beauty is that no
one group is large enough to dominate.  The other disciplines can team up to
keep the other group in line.  In essence, we operate the department through a
warm spirit of forbearance.  Other than the name being "way too long," each
group likes having some name recognition.  This relationship has been positive.
      Hope these comments help.  Best wishes!