In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (March Hare) writes:
> This is really odd.  I just got the newest version of
> LiveWire, and it is supposed to fix a VT-100 emulation
> problem by using VT-102 emulation.  The problem is
> SET TERM/INQUIRE or something in the MCUG library
> apparently.  As soon as I hit that spot in the LOGIN.COM,
> all screen scrolling stops at the bottom of the screen;
> that is, the letters display, but the previous lines do
> not shift upwards.
> Now, here's the wierd part.  I thought previously the
> problem was fixed by doing SET TERM/DEVICE=VT102, since
> it was working correctly.  Well, I logged off, etc.,
> logged back on and typed SET TERM/DEVICE=VT102 and the
> problem continued.  Well, as before, I assumed that I
> had typed it wrong, so I went into HELP.  After I got
> out of help, I typed SHOW TERM.  It went to the bottom
> of the screen, but now the previous lines moved upwards!
> In short, it was not SET TERM that fixed it previously,
> but HELP!  What screen codes are being sent by HELP that
> could be fixing this?  I'd like to know, so that I can
> email the author with this info, since the program is
> apparantly looking for this code when the Alpha is not
> sending it (or, maybe it is supposed to be sending it?).
> John
> As a followup, it also works if you invoke the TPU editor,
> therefore, it has something to do with fullscreen programs.
You can view the control sequences the OpenVMS is sending to the terminal
by telling a terminal to "DISPLAY CONTROLS" rather than "INTERPRET
CONTROLS".  The VT100 terminals in Hughes should let you set this up.  I
don't know if the PC and Mac emulaters we're using will though.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)