In article <1994Oct12.143530.31245@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Adam
Hodge) writes:
> Can someone tell me how I can set access privlages to other users to my disk
> space.  I want to allow certain user ids access to my directory.
Sure.  Granting access to files in your account involves 2 things:
  1) Granting users access to the files themselves, and
  2) Granting users access to your directory.
I'm assuming in my answer that you want to grant access to everyone, not
just selected people.  Granting access to selected people is possible, but
is more difficult to implement.
To grant access to files in your account (I'm assuming files in your login
directory), use the command:
  $ SET FILE/PROT=(W:permissions) fname.ext
where 'fname.ext' is the name of the file to grant access to and where
'permissions' is one or more of the following:
  R - Read permission
  W - Write permission
  E - Execute permission
  D - Delete permission
For example, if you wanted to grant everyone read and execute access to the
program TEST.COM, you would issue the following command:
BTW, the 'W' stands for World.  The other options here are S for System
(specifies the permissions the OS has to the file), O for Owner (specifies
the permissions that you have to the file), G for Group (specifies the
permissions that other people in your department or major have to the
Next you have to grant access to your directory.  To grant access to your
directory, use the command:
  $ SET FILE/PROT=(W:permissions) [-]ARHODGE.DIR
where 'permissions' is one or more of the following:
  R - Read access - allows other users to issue DIR commands on your
  W - Write access - allows other users to create new files and delete
      files in your directory.
  E - Execute access - allows others to read or write to your files.
  D - Delete access - allows others to delete your directory.
The [-] in the previous command refers to the directory above the current
directory (similar to .. in DOS or Unix) and ARHODGE.DIR refers to the name
of your login directory.
For example, if you want to grant everyone access to files you have in your
account and to be able to issue DIR commands on your account, issue the
following command:
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)