In article <[log in to unmask]>, Chris Allison
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>     7 of the new 14.4KBS modems have been added to 4999.  This brings the
> number of modems on this number to 29.  We will be adding 10 more as soon as
> we can get the phone "stuff" done. (maybe yet this week)
>     We will be replacing the 8 9600BPS modems on 2161 with new 14.4 modems
> ASAP.  (We will let you know before this is done.)
>     The rest of the new modems will have to wait for some major wire and
> dataswitch upgrades.  We will post messages here as soon as we know anything
> more.
>     When we are done we will have 54 14.4KBS modems split between 4999 and
> 2161, 30 on 4999 and 24 on 2161. (It is not possible to put more then 30 on
> single phone number.)  In addition the 8 2400BPS modems will still be in
> service.
>     If you note any strange modem behavior please let us know ASAP.  Due to
> the extreme pressure on modems we are rushing these in as fast as possible.
Ohkay, I have a question, why are we getting rid of the 9600 modems and keeping
the 2400 and 1200 ones?   I missing something...
Take it easy,
Steve Harry
To  me, clowns aren't funny.  In fact, they're kind of scary.  I've
wondered where this started, and I think it goes back to the time I went
to the circus, and a clown killed my dad.