Is there a reason for the 1000 block storage limit? The manual says we should
have 3000. 1000 is too small - I regularly recieve VERY LARGE (450+ blocks)
mail messages, which I can't even download because the temp files can't be
created. And you can't use acuired space for this purpose. To get these files,
I have to turn on capture and press return ten million times to scroll the
document then edit out all the extranneous text.
I ran Pine one time, and I didn't like it at all. But it created several files
in my directory which are eating up my valuable space. When I try to delete
them, it says I don't have the proper privs. or something rather. What gives?
[log in to unmask]
P.S. - This is the second time I have tried to send this file. The first time I
got a disk quota exceeded error because I had recieved five new mail messages,
each only about 10-15 lines long, that filled up my space. And no I don't
currently have any of those monster files hanging around. This is driving me
absolutely nuts!! Why can't we have the 3000 again? Even 2000 would be nice.
But 1000 is just too darn small. It's only 500Kb! Can't we even have a
double-density floppy's worth of storage space?!?