In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Bob Junke) writes:
> Proposal:    Formation of an amateur radio club, and establishment of a club
>              station here at Miami University.  The club would be open to all
>              licensed hams and anyone else that would be interested.
Not to burst your bubble, but I tried getting into HAM radio when I was
younger... I even went as far to get my Radio Merit Badge in the Boy Scouts...
but then I discovered the InterNet, and just haven't seen a reason to continue
using HAM radio. Right now you can meet literally thousands of people through
the 'Net from all over the world (w/o having to worry about subspot activity),
and with the multimedia focus gaining attention, it won't be long before people
will be able to talk live via the net (and not just big businesses with ISDN
lines). It's just a matter of technology relentlessly moving forward. How long
did the Pony Express last after the delivery of the first telegram (to
paraphrase a commercial)?
Well, that's my two cents.
James McCutcheon --- JRMCCUTCHEON@MIAVX1
How can you tell a chemical fire from an electrical fire?
          With a fire distinguisher, of course!