Since I subscribed to the list, I've read the messages with interest, although
I must admit that sometimes I found them hard to read.  I've not participated
actively because I haven't had the time/energy. JCMF's note last night was
a surprise.  I may have misread it, but my sense is that he's uncomfortable
because there are people such as myself on the list.
Prior to last night, I had never heard the term "lurking" used in a listserv
context.  It has such a sinister and unpleasant tone.  If I've been guilty of
"lurking," I apologize.
To make JCMF more comfortable (or to contribute to the process), to eliminate
the possibility of being considered a "lurker," and because I simply don't
have time to participate actively, I'm unsubscribing.
As my youngest sister used to say:  "It's been real."  Jim