In article <1994Nov17.194447.34231@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Beretta) writes:
> To tell you the truth I don't realy know.  I'm not talking about PLAN.TXT
> though. I saw it in a earlier post on the vms group.  I'm just surprized that
> you Ken, wouldn't know what they are.  (That probably means they don't exist)
> thanx.
Of course they exist.  This is not some Holy Grail or Questing Beast we're
dealing with here; you just weren't referring to them properly.  If you had
said, "Hey, Kent, tell me about plan files" instead of "Hey, Kent, tell me
about project files" you would have gotten a better response.  A leeeetle bit
is lost in the translation.
-- adder