In article <1994Nov29.085748.34836@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Robert A. Pickering Jr.) writes:
> Democ ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
> : A few questions:
> :
> :         1)  I have a 14.4 ZoomFax modem (Hayes compatible), the highest
> : downloading speed I have been able to achieve is 1200 cps.  Is this the
same as
> : 1200 baud?  If not what is the conversion ratio?  Should I be able to get
> : higher than 1200 cps?  (FYI I am dialing in on 529-4999, the 14.4. line)
> Nope, you're getting almost your full modem speed.  1200 cps is 1200 bytes
> per second.  Your modem is 14,400 bits per second, or approximately 1400
> bytes per second (1400 cps).  So, you're doing pretty well.
Yes, you are getting almost your full modem speed IF YOU ARE using a Mac. I get
1200 to 1300 cps using Zmodem on my Mac connecting to MIAVX1.
BUT, I always get 1300 to 1450 cps using Zmodem on my 486.
Kermit is COOL, try to set it to 7999 and you can get better result. I only get
the kermit works on my Mac, but I don't know how to set the PC kermit. Can some
body tell me how to do it on MS kermit? Thanks
> :         2)  I am connected at 8N1 (hitting the ; key and typing miavx1) so
> : I can use Z-Modem.  I can get any text files fine, however when I have gone
> : ftp sites to download zip files (typing in binary before getting them from
> : ftp site) I am running into error corrections about every other minute.  I
> : haven't been able to get a large .zip file down with out these errors and
> : it won't unzip (even after running zipfix).  I (to my knowledge have my
> : correction turned on, but I can't swear to that, I am not sure how to
check, I
> : have read the manual and followed what it said to do (some at commands I
> : have them handy))  Is this problem unique to me?  Is there something I am
> : wrong?
> The problem is Zmodem on the VAX.  In MCIS testing we've been able to get
> excellent results downloading via the Kermit protocol, if you tune it.
> Contact Kent Covert ([log in to unmask]) for information on tuning kermit.
> --
> Robert A. Pickering Jr.                           UNIX Software Specialist
> Miami Computing and Information Services          [log in to unmask]
> "Most people, if they counted how many people swam across the river, would
> never think about building bridges."  - Ronald Altman