In article <1995Jan10.145229.36746@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Aaron D. Yonka) writes:
> Ah ha!
> Try this one:  Dial up using N81 as you have in the past, but when the data
> switch answers, DON'T hit the [ENTER] (or [RETURN]) key.
> Instead, type a semi-colon (;).  This will make the switch respond in 8 bit
> mode.  Then chose class V1.  Your download should be fine.
> I've had numerous problems with class MIAVX1 as you described, but I use the
> above solution now for all of my logins and downloads, at 14.4K, with extras
> enabled.  No problems encountered.
Okay, I do the semi-colon thing when I first connect (that signals Gandalf that
you're going in at 8 bits, or so I've been told), but I do use MIAVX1. I've had
problems in the past downloading binary files through v1, becuase v1 always
used a 7-bit telnet connection to the VAX. Are you saying you're not having any
problems downloading binaries? If not, what kind of throughput are you getting?
through MIAVX1, I seem to crank about a maximum of 1500 cps. I imagine I'm
top-ending the Gandalf to MIAVX1 connection, which is probably 19,200bps (Kent,
feel free to jump in here any time and correct me! :)  )
So, does v1 now support an 8-bit telnet protocol? If it is, are you getting
better transmission speeds? What is the aggregate speed of the network link
between gandalf and v1? 10Mbps Ethernet? 100Mbps? 110bps paperclip chain?
Enquiring minds want to know!
Randy Kaelber, Subsistence Programmer.
Owner, Mercury and Earth (except one East Hemisphere nation to be named later)
My .sig automatically terminates threads because it mentions Nazis and Hitler.
GCS/MU d-- H s:+:++ g+++ p0 au? a- w+++ v++ C+++$ U->++++ P+ L 3 N+++ K++
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