networkers, permit me to suggest what i regard  as an excellent source
work in this subject area.
'perspectives on the history of psychoactive substance use' is the title
of #24 in the research issues series published by the US dept. of hew --
now hhs.
it was edited by one gregory a. austin, ph. d., and published in 1978.
it is DHEW publication no. (adm) 79-810.
in spite of its relative antiquity (typically not a handicap for
historical source material) it is an excellent resource and one of those
rare examples of productive use of your tax dollars.
even though it is out of print, i believe you will be able to locate a
copy through libraries that serve as federal document depositories.
in addition to etoh, the work addresses hisotircal use issues for coffee,
tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, stimulants, opiates and ether.
i hope you find this helpful
michael bergman
yamhill education service district