Miami Computing & Information Services (MCIS) announces the availability
of a new release of the Kermit telecommunications software for desktop DOS
and Macintosh computers.  MS-Kermit (for DOS-compatible systems) is now
available in version 3.13 and MacKermit (for Apple Macintosh systems) is now
available in version .991(190).  Previous MCIS releases were 3.11 for
MS-Kermit and .99(40) for MacKermit.
     The new versions are on a disk-exchange basis in the MCIS Learning
Technologies Center in 137 MacCracken, from MCIS Instructional Computing in
352 Gaskill, and from the MCIS Help Desk in 141 Hoyt.
     The new versions of MacKermit and MS-Kermit facilitate faster file
transfers, better VT200 terminal emulation support (for connection to
OpenVMS and UNIX systems), and greater consistency between the Mac and DOS-
compatible versions.  Configuration of MS-Kermit on DOS-compatible systems
has been enhanced and simplified.
     The software and support are available for students through the MCIS
Learning Technologies Centers, and for staff and faculty, through the MCIS
Help Desk, accessible by e-mail at [log in to unmask] and by phone at
                             MCIS News
           Miami Computing & Information Services (MCIS)
                    Miami University (Ohio USA)
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