In article <1995Feb3.014754.38658@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
> Has anyone else been experiencing downloading problems?
> Kermit has been much, much slower lately and it seems as if it's
> sending smaller packets.  and my terminal program can do nothing
> about it.
> I've been told to use Z-modem instead, but when I select "miavx1"
> at hal, vax still doesn;t understand "sz".  I don't get it.
> kim.
Sure have.  I use Z-term and it tells me the efficeincy of the download and
since they upgraded kermit, the eff. rate has dropped significantly.
I've also noticed a drop in the packet size too.  It's been sending smaller
packets, and I think this is a major reason why kermit is so slow.  I don't use
z-modem, but i'm thinking about trying it out for a while....
cul8r, flu.