Why not try something more recent?  Miami surely is a beer--drinking campus,
so why not study the politics and marketing of that phenomenon.  How did the
Brewers lobby to influence public policy toward drinking, and toward
college-age drinking, after the repeal of prohibition?  When did beer
drinking become the norm for parties on campus?  You might start with
Burnham's _Bad Habits_.
   >---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       Alcohol and Temperance History Group <[log in to unmask]>
>Poster:       Todd McClamroch <[log in to unmask]>
>Hello athg,
>     My name is Todd McClamroch.  I wrote once before  to see if anyone had any
> ideas for a paper topic for my drink and temperance class at Miami University.
>  I am thinking about the prohibition movement in Massachussettes.  My other
>idea is organized interests of brewers or lobbying by brewers.  As you can tell
> I am interested in the politics.  If any one has any ideas about a paper on
>organized political interests and drink and temperance, please send them my way
>.  Thanks alot.  Have a nice day!
>                                 Todd McClamroch
K. Austin Kerr                   e-mail [log in to unmask]
Professor of History             office (614)292-2613
Ohio State University            department  292-2674
Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA         fax    (614)292-2282