On 4 April 1995, in article <1995Apr4.152918.42984@miavx1>,
[log in to unmask] (Miami Computing & Information Services (MCIS)
News) wrote (in part):
>      NetNews on the IBM VM/CMS system in Oxford (MiamiU) has behind in
> its processing of incoming articles from other sites.
>      Over the weekend, larger-than-usual amounts of incoming NetNews
> traffic were received and delivered to MiamiU.  At present, there are
> nearly 6,000 articles awaiting processing on MiamiU.  Given the rate
This should have been "files."
> at which NetNews on MiamiU processes incoming traffic, it appears likely
> the backlog will not be eliminated until at least the weekend.
As of this morning (Tuesday, 18 April 1995), there are still over 3,000 files
awaiting processing by NetNews on MiamiU.  We are still behind on that
platform, and are likely to remain behind until the NetNews servers are
consolidated on Rose and moved off MiamiU and MiaVX1 altogether.  (This will
happen shortly after the semester ends.)
>      MCIS regrets any inconvenience this situation may cause.
Truly we do.
>                                   [John Harlan, MCIS Client Services &
>                                   Steve Moore, MCIS Technical Support]
                                John B Harlan
             Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
                         Miami University (Ohio USA)
        (513) 529-5330     (513) 529-1496 fax     [log in to unmask]