Bob Williams ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: I am trying to send a file to another site. I FTP into my account there and
: start the transfer with the SEND command. Everything goes fine, except that
: after a while I get logged out for being idle too long (after 300 seconds I
: think). The file's transferring fine to that point, but then it cancels and
: I get logged out (of the other system). Is there any way to prevent this?
Enter 'hash' at the ftp> prompt before sending the file.  This will
toggle hash marks on and will print a hash mark (#) every 1K (or
something like that).
_________________________________________________       _  __   __  __
Michael G. Jones, [log in to unmask] |     / \/ _)/_  \/ _)
Systems Analysis, Miami University of Ohio       |    / - \(_  / - )(_
                                                 |   (_) (_)_)/|__/\__)
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