Exciting News!
Topic:  Teaching ADR Workshop
Presenter:  Brigitte Schmidt Bell
When:  Wednesday, 9-l2 a.m.,  August 9, l995
Where:  ALSB Annual conference, Milwaukee, at the Pfister
Current:  Private practice as mediator/attorney
Past:  Commercial and family law private practice
Graduate of:  J.D.  The Law School, University of Chicago
              (research assistant to Prof. Richard Posner on projects
              involving economic analysis of law)
              B.A.  Swarthmore College
Teaching:  Loyola Law School--each semester, Spring, l987-current:
           Alternatives to Litigation/Consensual Dispute Resolution
           DePaul University School of New Learning
Member:  of several mediation-oriented organizations including Board
       of Directors of Mediation Council of Illinois.
Other:  Three articles and six presentations in past two years of
        mediation topics.
My Opinion (Fran's):
Energetic, dynamic, a true believer that much of what lands on an
attorney's desk should be handled alternatively, rather than
adversarially and Dr. Bell promises to have several handouts for
workshop participants.
Fran Hill, 1995 ALSB Conference Program Chair