Ann McClure, the current and most able ALSB CLE Liaision, has indicated
that she will need to step down from this appointed position after the
Milwaukee meeting.  Consequently, I am calling for willing applicants to
assume the position of ALSB CLE Liaison.
The position, which is an appointed one by the ALSB Executive Committee,
requires the liaison to maintain contact with all individual state CLE
agencies in order to coordinate CLE credit for ALSB members attending
the annual conference.  The liaison also maintains all files of those
who have applied for CLE credit (approx. 80-100 per each annual
conference) and then files for credit in each state for each individual.
The ALSB budgets $700 per year to offset costs of this position.
If you are interested or simply desire more information, please contact
me (NOT on ALSBTALK, but personally: [log in to unmask]).
The ALSB Executive Committee would like to make a decision in early
summer so that Ann's successor may work with her in Milwaukee.
Consequently, all interested persons should contact me no later than
June 1st.
For the ALSB Executive Committee,
Dan Herron
ASLB Executive Secretary