In article <1995May8.083327.45153@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Micah James Cooper) writes:
> I'm having repeated problems downloading large files via lynx on the VAX.
> It gives some sort of error and says hit return to clean up. It also says
> it's a beta. Is there a newer beta or an older reliable version that
> wouldn't do this? Thanks
> --micah
        I think I had the same problem. You are probably running out of space
in your account. Now you might think, "But I'm in a temp dir with plenty of
space." The problem, though, is that as you download a file with lynx, it saves
it as a temp file in your sys$scratch directory. Then when it is done, it will
copy the temp file to current directory, giving it the name your specify. So
what you need to do is acquire twice as much temp space as you think you need
and then
$ define sys$scratch temp:
        Thanks go to Kent Covert for giving me this solution.
Dennis S. Keeler                |  "Greater love has no one than this, that
Miami University                |    he lay down his life for his friends."
[log in to unmask]        |                       -John 15:13, NIV