In article <1995Jul12.161918@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Kent
Covert) writes:
> In article <1995Jul11.235750@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dave
Munday) writes:
>> In article <1995Jul11.182801@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (humble
friar) writes:
>>> In article <1995Jul11.165750@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dave
Munday) writes:
>>>> I had a problem the other day exiting news with my quota being exceeded.
>>>> I spawned out of news and looked around to see what was taking up the
>>>> I had a number or files NEWS_*.tmp some of which were LARGE.
>>>> This was what had exceeded my quota.
>>> Those files are temporary images on the news file that you just spawned out
>>> if I am correct.  Kind of a placeholder.
>>>> How can I avoid this problem?
>>> Don't spawn out of news so often?  I dunno ...
>>> ~Drew
>> Well the quota was blown before I spawned out.  I discovered it when I was
>> unable to rewrite the newsrc file.  I assume therefore that the .tmp files
>> there before I spawned out.  They probably are created when the news
>> gets the files from the nntp machine over the local net.
>> The problem then is to keep from blowing your quota by reading a LARGE
> Hmmm...I haven't been able to reproduce these files.  When I run NEWS, it
> doesn't seem to create these files.  Can you find any correlation between
> when these files get created and when they don't?
News creates a temporary file for the current message that you are reading.
I've never had more than one file at a time, but I would imagine that
if news is exiting abnormally the file might not be getting deleted.
Also, isn't there an option that allows you to cache a certain number
of messages or am I getting confused with something else?
+  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
Bill Sylvester, Miami University         [log in to unmask]
Never attribute to malice that which     [log in to unmask]
can be adequately explained by stupidity.