American films with a straightforward temperance sensibility were
being made into the 1930s --  the last version of Ten Nights in a Barroom
was released in 1930.  After then, the sensibility lives on in anti-drug
films and as one side of the message in many titillating but moralizing
   Denise Herd and I and colleagues put on an alcohol-in-American-films
series with the Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley in 1982.   A version of the
program notes, with the distributor or other source for the film print used,
can be found as: Denise Herd & Robin Room, "Alcohol images in
American films 1909-1960", Drinking and Drug Practices Surveyor
18:24-35, 1982.
   Temperance films are described and analyzed in: Joan L. Silverman,
"`I'll Never Touch Another Drop': Images of Alcoholism and Temperance
in American Popular Culture, 1874-1919", Ph.D., History, New York
University, 1979.
   See also: Robin Room, "The movies and the wettening of America: the
media as amplifiers of cultural change", British Journal of Addiction
83:11-18, 1988.
   None of this is exactly what was being requested, I realize.  Hope it is
relevant, anyway.  Robin Room