In article <1995Aug1.085747@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dennis S. K
eeler) writes:
> In article <1995Jul31.162352@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dave Mund
ay) writes:
>> In article <1995Jul31.151843@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] ( ) write
>>> In article <1995Jul31.103653@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dennis
 S. Keeler) writes:
>>>>         Somehow news messages which shouldn't be there are being appended t
>>>> other news messages. In other words, when I read a certain news message, th
>>>> first 50 lines or so will be the actual message. Then after that, there's
>>>> another large message appended, which doesn't appear to be by the original
>>>> author. See #950 and comp.sys.mac.scitech #1629 for an
>>>> example.
>>>>         Is this a problem on our side, or with the original posters?
>>> This is happening in rec.pets.cats too.
>> Also in rec.aviation.homebuilt.
>         This has happened in messages #95 & 96 of comp.sys.mac.digest. Part of
> the real message has even been destroyed.
        Message #1029, If our newsfeed goes to TLCNet,
which isn't supposed to have alt groups (or is it just, it seems
these messages could get through anyway. The message above had something to do
with nude beaches. I don't know if it came from an alt group or what. But I
hope the problem is fixed soon, because I wouldn't want to see TLCNet to be
held liable if a sexually explicit message gets tangled up in a posting in
Dennis S. Keeler                |  "Greater love has no one than this, that
Miami University                |    he lay down his life for his friends."
[log in to unmask]        |                       -John 15:13, NIV